How to talk to children about money

My older daughter recently asked me, “Mom, who earns more – Elon Musk or the boss of Amazon?” What? And this at the age of 9…. “Dude, what’s up?” I thought. How does she know about Elon Musk and Jeff Besos? Would you have known the answer? My mouth hung open and I was speechless. I really celebrated her for this question! Children are interested in money. Money Money Money. Regardless of whether you talk to them about it or not. How nice would it be if you were your child’s first port of call when it comes to money? Not the neighbor who thinks money sucks. Or your colleague who says that money spoils one’s character. Or your brother, who is always broke. That your child automatically asks you when it comes to money. Like with Seggs. You don’t want grandma explaining that either… So get talking to your kids, nephews and nieces about money! It’s really fun! My podcast today is all about how you can talk to children about money. Learning without it being about learning. Like a scoop of caramel raspberry ice cream that you never get tired of. You learn:

  • Why you should talk to children about money
  • When should you start talking to children about money
  • How to start in a playful way
  • What role does pocket money play and how much should it be?

I also talk about how your child learns to negotiate and there’s a cool hands-on challenge for your summer vacation.  Feel free to share this episode with other parents, grandmas, grandpas, aunts or uncles.  Enjoy and relax!


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