Money plays a major role in shopping. There are a few tricks to ensure that you don’t spend more money than you want to. Think about what you need before you go shopping. Write everything on a shopping list. You can then write the prices on this list in the store. Before you go to …
My older daughter recently asked me, “Mom, who earns more – Elon Musk or the boss of Amazon?” What? And this at the age of 9…. “Dude, what’s up?” I thought. How does she know about Elon Musk and Jeff Besos? Would you have known the answer? My mouth hung open and I was speechless. …
What to consider when starting out with your child’s finances When a child enters your life, your life changes step by step. You grow into the role of mom, learning new things every day that weren’t part of your daily routine before. When my first daughter was born, I felt totally helpless at the beginning. …
When you were at school, did you wish there was a subject that taught you how to handle money properly? I wished the subject of finance had been taught at school. It would have saved me a lot of detours and time. That’s why I launched Schulgold together with my co-founders Karolina Decker from FinMarie …
Do you think about what financial topics are really important for your children? Do you want to save for your child but don’t know what the right amount is? Does everyone give you different advice, but you’re unsure? Why you learn so much from your child (before finances even come into play) When your child …
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